Safe & Easy Navigation With Jetpack Compose
Navigation is the key part of application development and Android is no exception. From Activities and Fragments transitions to Navigation Component and now, Navigation Component is available for Jetpack Compose! In this article, I would like to give a brief overview of how Jetpack Compose Navigation works, the problems I’ve faced, and my solution for it. Let's get started 🙂
Your First Route
When using the original Navigation Component we used XML to describe our navigation. There we could declare the arguments for our destination and transitions between them. In Compose world, of course, we use functions :)
The example I will be using in the following section is a slightly modified example taken from the — Navigating with Jetpack Compose . Make sure to visit it in case you need more information
We start by declaring a NavHost
and then we can build our navigation graph by adding destinations using composable()
function. It takes a path URI and a @Composable
as the destination content
val navController = rememberNavController()
NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "home") {
composable("home") { HomeScreen() }
composable("details") { DetailsScreen() }
We’ve just set up our first destinations, lets add some action into our code by adding a transition from"home
" to "details"
. Compose Navigation Component makes it pretty easy as well, all we need to do is to tell our navController
the path we want to navigate to
composable("home") {
HomeScreen(onClick: { navController.navigate("details") })
Arguments Support
Let's Imagine our Details route needs two arguments: an optional Int
called number and a mandatory String
called id. To support an ability to pass the arguments you need to do two things: adjust the path so that the Navigation Component knows that this route can accept arguments and describe the type of the arguments. This is how it looks like in our case
NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "home") {
composable("home") { HomeScreen(/*...*/) }
arguments = listOf(
navArgument("id") { type = NavType.StringType }
navArgument("number") { type = NavType.IntType; defaultValue = 1 }
) {...}}
Now for our detail transition, it won’t be enough to specify just the destination name like we used to — we need to provide arguments too, at least id anyway, as the optional param will be set to our default value.
The next step is to obtain the arguments. This can be done in multiple ways, either from the NavBackStackEntry
or from the SavedStateHandle
(this can be injected in our ViewModel
Note that in both cases, the value you receive can be null
, so that must be addressed in some way.
* Get args from NavBackStackEntry
composable(/** our details route **/ ) { backStackEntry ->
val id: String? = backStackEntry.arguments?.getString("id")
val number: Int? = backStackEntry.arguments?.getInt("number")
DetailsScreen(id, number)
* Get args from SavedStateHandle
class DetailsScreenViewModel @Inject constructor(
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) {
init {
val id: String? = savedStateHandle.get<String>("number")
val number: Int? = savedStateHandle.get<Int>("name")
The elephant in the room 🐘
By now you have probably noticed how much boilerplate code we have to just support these two routes and more importantly, how many hard-coded strings we have. Each navigation stage: declaration, arguments handling, and navigation actions, all use the path and parameters. Moreover, the arguments handling is very poor since always need to be aware of the argument name and its type.
To reduce this overhead you can wrap your destinations in a sealed class
, for example, that will clean up the code for sure, but it won't solve all the problems.
Remember the original Navigation Component? Well, it has safeArgs
, a very useful plugin that generates code that allows handling arguments in a very clean and safe way. When I started to work with Jetpack Compose and its Navigation Component I immediately noticed that I miss this functionality, so I've decided to write on myself 👨💻
Introducing Safe Routing Library
At its core, safe-routing
is an annotation processing library that generates a code that will handle most of the boilerplate code and hardcoded strings and will provide a safe way to navigate between your composables and ease up arguments handling.
in your project level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
And then in your app-level build.gradle
dependencies {
Let's sync our project and use apply some annotations to clean up our code. safe-routing
provides two annotations for you to describe the routes. Meet @Route
and @RouteArg
is used to describe your Route, its constructor accepts a route name and the arguments for it@RouteArg
is used to describe the arguments for your Route, it accepts several parameters: the name, type, a flag to tell whether that argument is optional or not, and a String representation of the default value. Note that the default value will only be used in case the argument is optional.
Okay, now its time to revisit our navigation code 🙂
Basic Setup
To start, all we have to do is to apply the annotations four our two routes
@Route(name = "details", args = [
RouteArg("id", RouteArgType.StringType, false),
RouteArg("number", RouteArgType.IntType, true, defaultValue = 1.toString()),
fun DetailsScreen() {
/** your sweet composable code **/
fun HomeScreen() {
/** your sweet composable code **/
That's it! After rebuilding the project, several new kotlin files will be generated. Here is a quick description, but if you want to see how it actually looks like, in this particular example, check this gist
- This file contains all your routes descriptions that can be used to declare the destinations in ourNavGraphBuilder
using theRouteSpec
knows everything for successful navigation: the name of the route, its arguments, and how to obtain them.RoutesActions.kt
- This file contains the Nav Actions for your routes. Similar toNavDirections
plugin, it will build a proper path only accepting the arguments you provided in the annotations.*RouteArgs.kt
-> for every route that contains arguments an Argument Wrapper and Factory will be generated -DetailsRouteArgs.kt
in our case.
Now let's start using all this code that's been generated, starting with our NavGraphBuilder
. Routes.kt
now contains two objects Details
and Home
and they both extend RouteSpec
interface, which gives us access to the following properties:
- full path of the route including the arguments we specifiednavArgs
- list of theNamedNavArgument
to fully describe our argumentsargsFactory
- an object that will help us to obtain our arguments from various places
Let's put them to good use 🙂 . Here we are using route
and navArgs
properties to describe your route, and RouteArgsFactory
to obtain the arguments that are being passed
navController = navController,
startDestination = Routes.home.route
) {
composable(route = Routes.Home.route) { HomeScreen() }
composable(routes = Routes.Details.route, arguments = Routes.Details.navArgs) {
val args = DetailsRouteArgsFactory.fromBackStackEntry(it)
But since we are dealing with the RouteSpec interface we can make this declaration even shorter!. SafeRoute lib provides composable
extension functions that acceptRouteSpec
as the main parameter. Another one is composableWithArgs
that will handle arguments retrieving for you.
navController = navController,
startDestination = Routes.home.route
) {
composable(Routes.Home) { HomeScreen() }
composableWithArgs(Routes.Details) { entry, args -> DetailsScreen(args)}
Our only transition also needs some love, lets use our RoutesActions.kt
composable(Routes.Home) {
onClick = {
navController.navigate(RoutesActions.toDetails(id = "MyFancyId", number = 0))
// navController.navigate(RoutesActions.toDetails("myId")) in case we don't want to pass the number
Bonus, in case you are wondering about how to pass the arguments directly to the ViewModel
class DetailsScreenViewModel @Inject constructor( savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) {
init {
val args = DetailsRouteArgsFactory.fromSavedStateHandle(savedStateHandle)
And that's it!
Thank you for your time! I really enjoyed making this tiny little library and I hope you can find it useful! I will really appreciate any feedback and suggestions so feel free to reach out to me 🙂 . SafeRoute already had quite a few updates, and it now supports Animations and Material Destinations from the Accompanist library Here is the GitHub page for those of you who want to know more.